-dere ( デレ): An umbrella term for all words with the suffix i.e.Their name is a portmanteau of danmari ( 黙り), meaning silence, and deredere, "lovey dovey" ( でれでれ). They are afraid to talk, fearing that what they say will get them in trouble. dandere ( ダンデレ): A stock love interest who is quiet and asocial."middle two disease"): typically used to describe early teens who have delusions of grandeur and have convinced themselves they have hidden knowledge or secret powers. In Japan, it refers to youth with such characteristics, while in Europe and the Americas, it has become a generic term for attractively androgynous males of all ages. bishōnen ( 美少年, "beautiful boy", sometimes abbreviated bishie): Japanese aesthetic concept of the ideally beautiful young man: androgynous, effeminate or gender-ambiguous.

bishōjo ( 美少女, "pretty girl"): Beautiful young woman.ahoge ( アホゲ, "idiot hair"): Refers to any noticeable strand of hair which sticks in a different direction from the rest of an anime/manga character’s hair.